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Schuler, Matthias

Schuler, Matthias
Matthias, Shuler is the founder and technical director of Transsolar.
Born in 1958 in Stuttgart, Germany, Matthias Schuler received a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Stuttgart in 1987. Upon graduation, Schuler worked as a scientific assistant at the Institute of Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering at the university (4). In 1992, he founded Transsolar in Stuttgart, Germany and remains as the technical director of this prestigious company today.
Since 2001, Schuler has remained as a Lecturer in Architecture in the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University. In 2008 he became Adjunct Professor for Environmental Technologies. He has also taught at the University of Stuttgart and University of Limerick (2).


Suvarnabhumi Airport, Bangkok, Thailand

Deutsche Post AG – new head office, Bonn, Denmark

1. http://blog.transsolar.com/about
2. http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/people/faculty/schuler/
3. http://www.transsolar.com/
4. http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/438455/NY/New-York/quotWhat-is-Green-Architecturequot-w-Matthias-Schuler/Goethe-Institut-New-York/

Written by Caleb Holobaugh

January 31, 2011 at 6:25 pm

Posted in Engineers

Transsolar Klima Engineering


New York City, NY 
Struttgart, Germany 
Munchen, Germany 
Paris, France 

Number of Employees: 66

Engineering Specialties:
Consultancy services for architects
Integral building design
Development of energy concepts
Aerophysical concepts
Low-energy and low-CO2 concepts
Redevelopment concepts for facades and indoor building climate
Development of combined systems for use of solar energy
Building physics for highly glazed buildings
Dynamic building simulation
Daylight calculations and visualization
Numeric calculations of indoor airflow
Model and mock-up measurements
Laboratory tests of building components
Consultancy for efficient energy use
Publicly financed research projects
Software development and distribution of the TRNSYS
Organisation and promotion of the symposium “intelligent building design” (1)

In 1992 Transsolar was founded by Matthias Schuler in Stuttgart, Germany. As a climate engineering firm, Transsolar aims to provide a comfortable atmosphere with the lowest impact on the surrounding environment. Transsolar enables user-centered design and access to natural light and air for improved occupant productivity as well as site-specific, dynamic environments for a sense of identity and delight. 


Written by Caleb Holobaugh

January 26, 2011 at 8:30 pm

Posted in Engineers